Monday, June 20, 2011

Dark Swan Storm Born Comic Issue 1

Dark Swan Storm Born Comic Issue 1
Written by:  Richelle Mead & Grant Alter
Illustrated by:  Dave Hamann and Nelson Cosentino de Oliveira
Pulbished May 25, 2011 by Sea Lion Books
Available Format:  Paperback

My Rating: ★★★★☆

Eugenie Markham is a freelance shaman spending her time combating and expelling otherworldly creatures.  In the first of this comic series, Eugenie is asked to physically travel to the Otherworld and retrieve a young girl who has been kidnapped by the Gentry (fairies).  She must decide if this young girl’s life is worth the risk to her own.

I received a copy of this comic from the publisher for review.

A comic book—another first for me.  From what I know about comics, this one is certainly up to par.  The illustrations are bright and fetching.  The narration and dialogue are easy enough to follow, and I was able to get a decent idea of what the overall plot is pretty quickly.  I always like a red-headed heroine for some reason, and the antagonists are interesting as well. 

There is a perfect mix of action, humor, and interesting human relationships to keep the reader involved from start to finish.

This comic has certainly sparked my interest for the Dark Swan series as well as the graphic novel which will be released this summer.  I have several of Mead’s books on my to-read list, but this is the first of her work I have read so far. 

I would consider this comic series rated R for language, violence, and sexual content.