Today, we have the beautiful and beautifully talented Adrienne deWolf who has stopped by with some fantastic advice and resources for aspiring authors. As part of her summer-long book tour, Adrienne is holding monthly raffles, so be sure to get in on those as well!
Writer’s Relief! Help for Aspiring Authors
By Adrienne deWolfe
“Is there some deep, dark secret to getting published? Why won’t an editor buy my book?”
As a book writing coach and multi-published author, I’m asked that question a lot.

I was blessed early in my career to have wonderful mentors. I started writing in Houston, Texas, which was a hotbed for Historical Romance novelists, including Susan Wiggs, Barbara Dawson Smith, and Christina Dodd.
After I moved to Austin, I was invited to join a critique group that included Harlequin authors Patricia Wynn, Cara West, and Pamela Ingram.
I am absolutely certain that I would NOT be published today if these talented Romance writers had not given so generously of their time and knowledge. I vowed that I would someday give back to the writing community the way my mentors had given to me.
That is why I developed my website, That’s why I offer professional story critiques and private coaching to fiction writers. And that’s why I teach fiction writers how to recognize the difference between a “valid” writing criticism and an Urban Myth or a “personal prejudice.”

The Secrets of Getting Your Romance Novel Published is a series that is being released this summer for e-readers. The series is also available in pdf format for those of you who prefer a hard copy. Book I, How to Write Wildly Popular Romances, features the genre’s 14 bestselling story archetypes, as well as 8 story plot taboos that are prohibited in most Romance novels.
Other books in the series include, How to Write Romance Heroes with Sex Appeal, and How to Write Sensual Love Scenes.
Be sure to drop by to enter my raffles to celebrate my summer-long book tour!
In the meantime, keep the faith, and keep writing!
About Adrienne deWolfe
Originally published by Bantam and Avon Books, Adrienne deWolfe’s five novels have won 9 awards, including the Best Historical Romance of the Year. She is currently writing her 6th Romance, An Imperfect Angel (Book III in her Naughty or Nice Series,) which will be available for e-readers this Autumn. To learn about Adrienne’s other historical Romances (scheduled for release this year), visit her virtual home,, or subscribe to her newsletter. You can also follow Adrienne on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.
Thanks so much Adrienne! Invaluable information, especially for romance authors!!
Here's a recap of all the pertinent links for Adrienne and her work, including her monthly raffles!
How to Write Wildly Popular Romances (ebook page w/ trailer) to-write-wildly-popular- romances/
The Secrets to Getting Your Romance Novel Published (eSeries): secrets-to-getting-your- romance-published/
How to Write Romance Heroes with Sex Appeal to-write-heroes-with-sex- appeal/
How to Write Sensual Love Scenes to-write-sensual-love-scenes/
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