Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mommy Brain Strikes Again!!!

Yes, it's official...  My kids have turned my brain to mush!  I have actually been AHEAD of schedule recently, so apparently my brain doesn't quite know how to react :-).  My original schedule included Angel's Requiem by Kate Kindle as a feature on August 18-19, but I had everything ready a week early.  Since I am currently out of town, I had scheduled the post to go up automatically.  So, everyone got the review a week early!
Per Kate's request, however, we will be keeping her interview and giveaway on the 19th.  I will link back to my review, so I will just keep that up this week.  I just wanted everyone to know that I will be putting up something different this week :-)!

I will be going ahead with C.S. Splitter's feature.  My review of The Reluctant will be going up momentarily!  Thanks for sticking with me despite my many flaws...  Ha! :-)